Milot, Haiti

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Statistics of Milot, Haiti

  •  As of 2021, the estimated population of Milot is around 17,000 people.
  •  Milot is located in the Nord department of Haiti, which has a population of approximately 1.2 million people.
  • The majority of people living in Milot are Haitian Creole-speaking and practice Roman Catholicism, although there are also significant Protestant and Vodou communities.
  • Milot is a rural area, and the primary industries are agriculture and tourism. The area is home to many historical and cultural landmarks, including the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Sans-Souci Palace and the Citadel of King Henri Christophe.

General Education Statistics for Haiti as a whole

  •  According to UNICEF, the literacy rate for adults (aged 15 and older) in Haiti is approximately 61%, with higher rates for men (64%) than for women (57%).
  • The net enrollment rate in primary school is 84%, according to the World Bank. However, only about 2 out of 10 children complete primary school, and only 1 out of 10 continue on to secondary school.
  •  Haiti faces significant challenges in its education system, including limited access to schooling in rural areas, a shortage of trained teachers, and inadequate infrastructure and resources. (A MAJOR reason WHY we took on this project.)

Statistics of Poverty Level in Haiti

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world, with a high level of poverty and inequality.

  •  According to the World Bank, the poverty rate in Haiti was estimated at 59% in 2019. This means that more than half of the population in Haiti lives below the poverty line.
  • The extreme poverty rate, which is defined as living on less than $1.90 per day, was estimated at 24% in 2019.
  • Poverty is particularly widespread in rural areas, where the poverty rate is estimated to be around 65%.
  •  Unemployment and underemployment are major contributors to poverty in Haiti. The unemployment rate was estimated at 13.9% in 2019, while the underemployment rate is much higher.
  •  Access to basic services such as healthcare, education, and clean water is limited in Haiti. Around 2.5 million people in Haiti lack access to basic sanitation facilities, and more than 3 million people do not have access to safe drinking water.

These statistics highlight the urgent need for support and investment in Haiti to help alleviate poverty and improve living conditions for the population.

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